Audio Jammer

The Noise Audio Recorders Won’t Like…

Audio jammers are popular tools used during confidential meetings. They produce a unique sound for masking and protecting conversations from external listening devices, such as a smartphone running an audio recording app, hidden in one of your guests’ pocket.

The sound of a jammer should be very difficult to filter out or remove when present in an audio recording. While commercial audio jammers often rely on white noise, this generator, however, uses a more efficient sound with articulation similar to speech. It is also buried under severe distortion, which makes recovery algorithms have a hard time producing exploitable results.

For further privacy, increase the generator’s volume to play louder than your voice. Then, if you are holding a conversation in person, speak quietly, and very close to your partner so they hear you over the sound.

R&D – Soda Stash Cap

Using existing designs and common products this was an expedient R&D project to create a small stash carry and concealment device that could be 3D printed. The end user would supply and fit their own locally sourced soda cap to aid concealment (dead drop).


Limited stock available now via

Combination Padlock Bypass Tool

The 4-digit dialing on combination padlocks allows for thousands of possible numeric combinations.

What happens if you forget the combination number?

With the Combination Padlock Bypass Tool you can open the padlock without the combination number using non-destructive methods. Once open you can then reset the number.

Available via

JAB-D (Micro)


When it comes to special products for covert carry and concealment smaller is often better!

The JAB-D (Micro) is an existing product, made smaller whilst retaining its original function.

It is just like the bigger brother but smaller…

Available via

World’s Smallest Compass

Designed for carry and concelament the Nano Brass Button Compass is made in the U.S.A from corrosion-resistant solid brass with an acrylic lens, sapphire jewel bearing and wear resistant pivot that operates in the most extreme situations and out-perform plastic, liquid-damped compasses that fail at low temperatures and are prone to air bubbles affecting the compass card/needle.

Diameter: 6.0mm
Height: 5.0 mm height
Weight: Less than 1 gram

Supplied in a plastic lanyard pod with a protective vinyl cap.

Available via

Categorized as evasion


The RUSkey works on Russian BRS-2, Czech Alfa-Proj RALKEM 9921/9922 and Chinese Anhua HC-13W.

Available soon via


Developed by Karl OscarDelta the RUSkey is no bigger than a thumbnail to aid carry and concealment on your person.

Always have an escape plan…