STLTH BLACK® facilitate the development of future products or the improvement of current products.
The majority of special products by STLTH BLACK® will never see the light of day, but there a rare exceptions…
The Ausfahrt 2000 is a low-profile escape tool that can be carried and concealed on your person or inside the boot/trunk of your car.
The genuine Velcro® hook panel can be used to attach to the Ausfahrt 2000 to the interior carpet (access should be possible when hands are restrained to the rear).
The carbon steel razor blade will cut any non-metallic material that can fit between the hook and handle:
- Seat-belts and other webbing material
- Cord, including Kevlar and Technora
- Cable/zip-ties, including police flex-cuffs
- Duct tape
- Clothing
Note: The carbon steel razor blade on the Black, Tan and Green Ausfahrt 2000 has a matte protective coating. When you use the razor blade the coating will be removed to reveal the carbon steel. The Red Ausfahrt 2000 has a black coating. This coating is harder wearing and should remain longer during use.
The shock-cord retention strap will break glass…
It is installed with a STLTH BLACK® Ballistic-Striker-Bead®. The primary function of the strap is to deliver a single-strike to impact and destroy tempered glass to aid escape from a vehicle via the side or rear windows. The hardness of the Ballistic-Striker-Bead® (Hv30 1750) exceeds the core hardness of armour-piercing ammunition (Hv30 1450).